Friday, August 9, 2019

The Grand Plan for Your Life Is Good. Just Sing YOUR Song.

I’ve been at the same company for 11 years and going nowhere.

The work is not at all challenging, and so much is expected of us (with little in return).

I don’t care about the product we make or the work we do–it does not inspire me at all.

I detest Sundays, and just struggle through each week until I can make it to the weekend.

~Worker Living in NEW YORK

composer and song

Today, I will think about the fact that this is my life.

I can no longer afford to go week-by-week just existing, just making it through the week, surviving.  I deserve more than this.

No one else is going to get me out of this. 

I have to make the effort to move forward. I have to do this for myself.  Even if things don’t go quite as fast or exactly as I plan at least I need to have a plan.

Every other escape plan may have failed but I cannot give up.

My plans might just be too small. Maybe there is a bigger plan.  Maybe there is a grander plan in the making.

No matter, whatever the plan, the grand plan for my life is good and I will actively work it.

 You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live