Monday, January 27, 2020

Learn To Balance A Dream And A Job Until Your Dream Becomes Your Job

I lose a lot of time on work and cannot pursue my interests which in turn cannot be created into a career that I want to create it into.

So, it is a vicious cycle of making ends meet so that we have some money to pursue what we really like, but lose time for pursuing the things we truly like. And we get back in the cycle of earning more money and trading time.

~Worker Living in New Jersey


Yes, there is a cycle of doing what we are doing to make money verses having the time to do what interests us.

We have to find balance between the two. 

We have to look around at our life, make sure we are in balance and pursuing our interests.



Below is a pretty interesting post about finding balance and doing something now towards your interest/dreams even while you are stuck in your day job.