I’m fed up with the crappy dead-end life of 60 hour work weeks in a field I never wanted to have anything to do with.
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
A New Year Is Coming...Get Un-Stuck...
Monday, December 30, 2019
Proud of Your Job? Test That...Tell Your Children How Proud You Are...
I feel like I am in an unsafe environment. There is no plumbing or heating at my job, I have found out that the company I work for has been sued over eight times in the past five years, and that I am working for a con-artist.
My work environment is abusive and there is constant workplace bullying. People play mind-games with me and never shoot straight: One minute I’m doing good, the next minute I’m doing terribly.
My boss is a psychopath with violent tendencies and I feel terrified around him. His office has a weird aura and he humiliates me in front of other coworkers. I’m now starting to realize that I haven’t been getting any real training this whole time. I don’t know who to trust in this environment and I feel trapped. This job was never about the money for me, but now I’m starting to realize even money wise, this job has become an expense, both mentally and financially and it is not worth it.
I feel like I have been conned into working here because these people knew I was overqualified.
~Worker Living in NEW YORK
Today, count your lucky stars if you have never experienced working for a shadow company or a con-artist boss. If you have had this experience then you can sympathize with those who are in that type of work situation.
It’s difficult, especially once you realize it and your eyes are open. Then…you have to decide…to stay or to go. To help you make the decision sometimes you have to remove yourself from the situation and pretend like it is someone else experiencing it.
If your child were in your shoes, as a parent, what would you advise them to do? If you were to sit down with a beloved grandparent (dead or alive) could you be proud of where you work, who you work for and what you do…without fibbing just a little about the situation?
Sunday, December 29, 2019
Change Your Focus. Change Your Life.
I’m overwhelmed with work, school and interning.
My boss is the worst. She makes harassing Facebook posts about her employees. She doesn’t focus on important things (Overtime, emergencies, turnover rate). She is condescending and overly demanding.
~Worker Living in MICHIGAN
It doesn’t matter how many training classes or personality assessments that someone takes; if you don’t want to be an effective boss or employee then you won’t be.
Some bosses and employees CAN’T focus on what matters so they major in the minors. They can only move the pebbles and not the boulders. It can be frustrating to watch it happen, especially when you can see what needs to be done.
If you are working in a place and you know that management doesn’t get it and they don’t WANT to get it, then you need to start focusing on yourself and your next move. You need to focus on the majors in YOUR life and career.
You need to realize that complaining and hoping and wishing things are going to change on this job maybe a complete waste of your time. Change your focus. Change your life.
Saturday, December 28, 2019
The Boss...Think Happy Thoughts...
I’m unhappy being in the higher level decision making role with minimal resources to go to. I feel like I’m left to figure it all out, as well as do my day job and all the other things that need to be done.
I’m tired of financial projects being developed by others and expected to be executed by me. My input is not sought, just ‘do the work’.
I want to find a role where I can be the support person, and make sure things get done for others.
~Worker Living in WISCONSIN
Today, look at YOUR boss with fresh eyes.
No matter what they have done to you, or how much you might not like them, just look at them and KNOW that they too have problems. You may never KNOW what those problems are and you might be thinking that you don’t care. After today, you can go back to NOT caring, but for today care about your bosses problems.
Today, we will say: “My boss has problems too. I don’t know what those problems are, but like me and everyone else that works here the boss just wants to be happy…may my boss be happy.”
Friday, December 27, 2019
Making The "Just Quit" Decision...
I don’t feel respected. I am not taken seriously. There is no team or family vibe. My boss cares more about his lined pockets than his employees.
~Worker Living in VERMONT
We know when we are working in a place that just doesn’t feel like a right fit for us. Something is off. Sometimes we don’t know quite what is wrong, but sometimes we know exactly what will never work for us.
It’s not that we need to quit today. Maybe we aren’t ready and prepared to do that. We need to DECIDE today that one day we will quit.
Maybe today we can make that decision…to DECIDE to quit working here…one day in the future.
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Doing What We Believe In...
I am unhappy teaching.
I don’t love it anymore or believe in it anymore.
I am depressed and miserable.
~Worker Living in ALABAMA
Maybe we once believed in what we are doing.
Maybe we were once happy doing it.
It’s okay if things have changed. Things do change. Admit it. Move on. It’s just time to do something ELSE that you believe in.
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Use Your Gifts. Use Your Talents. Start Today.
I work in a call center in collections and I’m a middle-aged mother of three. I am not doing very well at my job because I don’t enjoy talking a lot. Every morning before I go to work I have butterflies in my stomach. Am I going to do a good job or not? I ask myself why I can’t be a multi-tasker just like other people. Taking notes at the same time while I am offering payment options.
I am job hunting and studying part-time. Basically I am a god gifted artist (oil landscapes, sketches, portraits, etc.). I always wonder how can I make a living out of that profession.
Every evening after work I pray that tonight could be my last day at work, but I don’t have another job, so I don’t quit. Even if I quit will I get benefits?
By reading your article I felt like this was my story.
~Worker Living In Canada
We are all gifted. We all have gifts. We either know what those gifts are or we don’t. Life is giving us clues all the time about our unique talents and gifts. Sometimes we make the connection and sometimes we don’t.
Even when we KNOW our gifts and talents we don’t think we can make a living out of using them. If we know our gifts and natural talents we need to start using them.
If you are a “god-gifted artist” then you should do your art.
If you are a dancer then you should dance.
If you are a singer then you should sing.
Then we ask; how am I going to support myself doing these things? Answer: one painting; one dance and one song at a time…just start using your gifts today.
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Career Path? Calling? Passion? Don't Be Confused.
I am in a new job and something is disturbing me. I am not getting sleep :-(. I am very confused on if I want to continue this job and just how long I can continue this.
I want a change in my career path, but I’m not sure how to go about that :-).
~Worker Living in CALIFORNIA
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
How is it that we go ALL the way through high school, some of us finish college, graduate school and have professional certifications, but we STILL don’t know how to find our career path? How did that happen? Really, how many people do you know who are doing work that they LOVE? It’s not many people. These people are not the norm.
How do we “go about” finding our career path?
We HAVE to start by looking within. We will not be looking for a “job” but for our “calling”. The career path is not about a career at all, it’s about what we were brought here to do. Our rightful work. You, me, we… are all here to DO something that only you, me, we can DO.
It is our “job” to figure out what that is.
Today, ask: “What am I being called to do?” Just keep asking that over and over and over again. If you keep asking… the universe will answer. Stay open to the answer coming from seemingly “strange” places…a street sign, a book, an overheard conversation, watching the sky, listening to the birds, listening to the ocean and waves…just stay open…the universe is big and it’s beautiful. Everything in the universe is ROUTING for you to find your calling and life’s work.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Ideas, Dreams & Hopes For Tomorrow - Be Productive Today.
I have never enjoyed working at my current job, and I feel like I need the space to figure out my next direction.
While stuck in this job, I lack the energy to creatively pursue anything else. I feel that it keeps me from opening myself to true experience and opportunity.
I know that I could embody and fulfill so much more potential if I had some time to really focus on myself and my happiness.
~Worker Living in Wisconsin
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
You might have to work at a place right now where you feel stuck, and you might be stuck, but you can make the best use of your time.
Today, don’t waste any time. None. Not a second of your time today. Just for today be productive for yourself.
You’ll be amazed at what that feels like and just how much time and energy we can spend going in circles stewing about our situations. Today, any time you have even a moment to yourself make it count.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Take A Stand For Yourself For A Change
I wake up every day and wonder if this is all there is. I don’t believe I am doing the public any good. My company is purely driven by profit and I am not that type of person.
I truly want to do something to better the world.
My boss, though not a terrible person, buys into the corporate jargon.
I care about people and all I do is determine who to cut. It is truly depressing.
~Worker Living in PENNSYLVANIA
Today, take a stand.
Take a stand for SOMETHING you believe in.
It doesn’t matter what that SOMETHING is, just take a stand. Until you can start TAKING a stand you will continue to waver and wonder exactly where you stand.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Action...Do Something Today...
I feel miserable every morning and every minute I spend in this office. I don’t believe in their corporate values. I am constantly loaded with a huge amount of stress.
I am not listened to. I am being lectured and patronized every day about how I shouldn’t get so stressed. My boss is making me feel as if it is only my fault and that I take things so personally (maybe it is, but this is the way I am).
I don’t give a sh*t about what I am doing.I am not passionate about it in the slightest and that is why I get so stressed about it probably.
I can’t switch off properly when I am leaving the office, because when I come back from holidays an overwhelming feeling of anguish is pervading me. I feel like I am wasting my time.
~Worker Living in the UNITED KINGDOM
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
All we have is time. Our life is just a series of minutes, hours and days. We have today. We begin each day with a clean slate.
What are we going to do with today?
What actions are we going to take to make it out of this job situation? Today, we need to take one action; maybe it is to start and develop one new habit that will help us to break the cycle.
Do something today.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Don't Give Up. Just Hold On. Hold On To Hope. Hope That Next Year Will Be A Good Year.
I’ve been working my butt off for almost nine years and have never gotten a promotion. I don’t make enough each month to do anything extra because I’m a single mom who just got her daughter through college and another one in Cosmetology School.
I have racked up $52,000 in parent plus loans.
I’m frustrated that in order to buy Christmas gifts this year I had to use credit cards and know that I will struggle for another 6 months next year to pay them off. I never am able to go out to dinner. I never am able to take a trip anywhere while all my friends my age are able to.
I also have every responsibility on my shoulders and between that stress and work stress I had a heart attack last year.
I’m sick of everything and want to make my life simple. I want to give up. I don’t even have the brain power to think up a plan let alone a penny to save for my “six months without a job” plan.
~Worker Living in PENNSYLVANIA
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
Sometimes and some days it all seems impossible.
We can’t keep up and we want to give up. Things just aren’t working out for us. Things don’t seem fair and we don’t know why.
It doesn’t seem like we are going to make it, but we are. We are going to make it. We have come too far to give up now. We have endured too much to give up now.
Just hold on. Life is about change. Nothing stays the same. This time will pass and we will get through it.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Is Your Workplace A Sad Place To Be Everyday? Find Your Happy.
This is not what I was looking for.
I’m not learning and it’s not what I have in mind for my career.
I have a job and it pays and I still have something to do each day when I show up here, but I am not inspired. I’m not learning and I’m under-performing.
It’s just a sad place to be each day.
~Worker Living in the UNITED KINGDOM
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
There are only a few universal emotions that everyone experiences: happiness, joy, surprise, anger, fear and sadness.
From time to time we all feel sad. That’s okay. It is not however okay when we feel sad every day or almost every day. It is not okay if we don’t remember the last time we felt joy or happiness. It’s not okay. We are not fully living if we are not experiencing the full range of emotions.
Today, ask yourself how you feel and try to make sure you are aware of your feelings and have honest access to the full range of emotions.
You deserve to feel joy and happiness. These too are universal emotions and you should want to experience them on a daily basis.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
4-7-8 Breathing Technique For Stress
I have major depression. I can’t imagine going another day doing what I’m doing and where I’m doing it.
I’m burnt out and on the verge of a breakdown.
My career provides zero satisfaction and I’m not utilizing my talents and interests. I’m dead here.
~Worker Living in California
We are not dead. We are alive. We only feel dead.
We only feel depleted and depressed, but we are alive. Because we are alive that means we have more to do. We have a chance.
Today, get up. Just get up and breathe in to the count of four, hold for seven, and breathe out to the count of eight. Close your eyes, focus on your heart area and rhythmically breathe. You are alive. You have a purpose.
This suffering you are experiencing is helping you to move forward towards that purpose.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Have You Talked To A Loved Ones About What's Happening In Your Career?
It is a dead end job. I hate my boss and my co-workers.
I’m underpaid, because of the bad financial situation of the company. But it was worse than now when I came here, and I’ve been working hard and helping to improve the company. I feel like I’m subsidizing the company with my effort because I’m not paid fairly.
I’m young, free and ready for roaming the world looking for a better opportunity. (It would be hard to find something worse than my current job). My boss smokes in the offices – he is rude and dirty. The company’s organization is a mess.
I’m sure this is not the job I want for my future life. When I think of being in the same job five years from now I think about suicide.
I’ve not told anybody about my decision, because of the high rate of unemployment in my country. My friends and family won’t agree with my decision. I don’t know what I’m going to do in the future, but it’s my life and I only have one life to live.
~Worker Living in SPAIN
It is our life. The only thing we know for sure is that this is our life and we might only have this one chance to experience life.
Step 3 of the Just Quit Steps is to gain support from your loved ones for your decision. At some point you need to let them know what you have decided to do.
You should expect them to try to talk you out of it. You should encourage them to try to do so. They might have thought of things that you haven’t thought of. REMEMBER THESE ARE PEOPLE THAT LOVE YOU.
Talking to loved ones is hard, but it is part of the process. We are individuals, but what we do impacts other peoples’ lives. We have to be respectful and considerate of that.
Today, are you ready to tell someone that you love what is happening in your career? Yes or No. If yes, proceed. If no, wait.
Monday, December 16, 2019
Big Risks = Big Rewards; No Risks = No Rewards
1)I am completely and utterly miserable in my corporate marketing job – this is the big reason!
2) My boyfriend and I have talked about it and can make it work. I will take some time off, head out west to visit some places where I could see us relocating when he finishes his dermatology residency. He can’t wait to move! I’m more hesitant but this is a great time in my life to take some time away from the corporate grind and look to our future.
3) I am a miser and have saved every penny for several years. AKA I have a healthy savings – and my boyfriend will cover our rent while I am “in transition”.
4) I also have considered and have begun seeking out temp/short term contract marketing assignments. Just to keep my toe in the professional water – and, oh yeah, some money coming in!
5) Did I mention how unhappy, unchallenged and unfulfilled I am in my current career?!? Yeah, that.
It is ridiculously scary and I can’t believe I am considering making this a reality, BUT, there is also something very liberating and exciting about it too.
Big risks = big rewards, right?
~Worker Living in OHIO
“Just Quit” is taking a risk.
Things might not work out the way you planned, but guess what? Things aren’t working out now.
Living our lives to the fullest is going to require that we take calculated risks.
If you have a plan, if you have a plausible plan, this can all work out.
You might actually wake up and WANT to get out of bed. You might be excited about your day. But you cannot get to the big rewards, or the light at the end of the tunnel, until you go through the transition. You have to transition from your current job to your new pursuit.
You can do it. You can.
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Stop Being "Nice" (a.k.a. Stupid) and Get Real About Your Career Situation
Retail drains me! It isn’t a career; it’s merely a survival job.
I’ve had enough of rude management, rude associates and most of all rude customers.
The only thing that is good is that I get paid weekly. Otherwise, there’s no reason for me to stay since there are mostly cons: I’m physically sore in my hips. Sometimes my feet really get wrecked. Stupid, juvenile coworkers who mainly live on the Southside. They need this job because they have kids or a man they gotta take care of (another kid!).
Subpar training. You’re expected to know everything when they themselves don’t know sh*t. Monotonous, boring work. Saying and doing the same things all the time with no real excitement. Being phony-nice. I USED to be nice. Marshalls changed that. Putting on the phony nice girl act shows how unhappy I really am.
Now I barely get there on time. It’s over.
I’m so miserable at my job, it’s affecting my health. I feel trapped and stagnant and KNOW this is not how my life is supposed to be.
~Worker Living in NEW YORK
There comes a time when we KNOW that we need to change. Usually this happens when our misery starts to impact our health.
It doesn’t have to get to this point but when it does we have to get real with ourselves. No more being “phony-nice”.
We have to take action and do something. We can live the lives we’ve imagined…we just have to start.
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Refuse To Settle...Or Make The Best of It...Or Stick It Out...In An Abusive Workplace
In the realistic and financial scheme of things, I have the luxury to just walk away from this job because I have no obligations nor do I pay any bills.
In the emotional and meaningful scheme of things, I have no desire to work for, make better, or help this company PERIOD. The attitudes and points of view of my uppers are never going to change, so the retail side will NEVER change = Nothing will progress or be bettered. I have a problem “sticking it out” with a company that has no REAL future.
My work is not challenging. It’s not like what I had imagined. My boss is obsessed with putting me in the front lines, memorizing recipes and making drinks better than the store managers, but that’s not REALLY my role. (I wonder if this happens with other companies).
Lastly, my boss is the devil himself reincarnated onto Earth. He is the most negative and self- absorbed person I have ever met in my life. He has the ability to make me feel sick and want to stab myself in the eye with a dull pencil at the same time. No one has ever had that effect on me. Because of his negativity, the work environment is just CRAP. It’s toxic, at best.
It is past the point of trying to “make the best” of my situation. There really is no making it better — it is what it is and I refuse to settle for that. I do not ever want to settle for misery. I am passionate, young, a hard worker, and INTELLIGENT. I expect to be utilized, for my work to be meaningful, and for the job environment to be nurturing or at least bearable at the very least.
~Worker Living in CALIFORNIA
Times are changing. The sooner organizations realize that there is a generation of workers that are in the workforce who: “refuse to settle” or “make the best of it” or “stick it out” in jobs that are not fulfilling or where they feel abused; then the sooner workplaces will be places of productivity.
It is time for organizations to wake up.
If you are a business owner or responsible for recruiting and hiring talent then be aware that your BEST talent is walking out the door. They might not be walking out the door to another “job”, but to a freelance opportunity or to start their own company. Maybe it’s something that is so creative it will disrupt your industry.
Talent is walking because they don’t HAVE to take it anymore.
If you are one of these young and talented workers and you KNOW it, then it’s time to act. Don’t look back. The old models of work are broken. You don’t have to continue to stay stuck in a dead-end job working for a jerk. There are plenty of other opportunities for you. Not only are future generations counting on you, but your parent’s generation is as well. It is your generation that is bringing forth a new way to show how it is possible for everyone to pursue their passions and still make a profit.
These are exciting times in the world of work.
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
Friday, December 13, 2019
Start From Where You Are, Determine Your General Direction...Set Sail
My boss is evil; she punished me because I was forced to take FMLA leave and when I returned, I was moved to another position with terrible hours.
I hate the new job and have no respect for my boss.
If I return, I will say something I can’t take back.
My benefits are really good, and I don’t have much money saved, but I have a husband who works.
~Worker living in NEVADA
We all have different situations and issues that we are dealing with.
Some issues are very serious and some are manageable.
We need to look at our own situations and start from where we are, determine the general direction we want to go in and prepare to set sail in that direction.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Yes, Change Is Hard...Now, What Are You Going To Do?
I’m ready to move on. I’ve been at this organization over five years and have learned a lot, had some amazing experiences and helped to build new departments, but I am in need of a change.
I’m quitting because I want to spend more time exploring what this change could look like for me.
~Worker Living in ILLINOIS
Whether you initiate it or not a change is GOING to come.
Change is what life is about.
Eventually something is going to change: your job, your boss, your co-workers, whatever you service or sale, or your job duties. One way or the other, something is going to change.
It’s now just a matter of how active you are going to be in the change that is going to come. You can sit back and chill or you can decide to take control and explore what you want the change to look like.
It’s just a decision.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Just Quit Means You HAVE To Face Your Fears
I drive 120 miles a day round trip. I dread every mile.
I get quilted out of taking my lunch breaks on a near daily basis.
I feel sick with dread and stress and truly fear for my health.
The money doesn’t justify the expense of my commute and child care costs.
~Worker Living in GEORGIA
Dread and stress are a terrible combination but they go together like a hand and glove.
Dread is just another word for fear. Fear will keep us small. Fear will keep us driving 120 miles round trip. Fear will keep us feeling guilty.
We have to face our fears. We do.
We have to stand up to them like standing up to a bully. Stare our fears down. Name them. What exactly are we afraid of? Losing our jobs (we hate)…not having money to pay our bills…being without a job for a period of time…feeling like a failure…no longer having an identity because we don’t have a job title…
Today, just take the time to write down and name what you are afraid of AND then meditate on each one of those fears. Play them out in your mind. Just totally allow yourself to play those fears out.
Here is what you will find and figure out…fear is just another emotion. If you want to take control of your life then you are going to have to learn to face your fears and be FEARLESS.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Just Quit Is A Process...It Takes Time
I’m going through periods of what the f@£k am I doing to feeling confident of my decision.
~Worker Living in the UNITED KINGDOM
“Just Quit” is a process.
You will go back and forth at first wondering if you are crazy to even contemplate quitting your job without another one, and then feeling confident in your decision.
Just allow this process to play itself out. It might take some of us months and others years; it just depends on our particular situations. In the meantime another job might present itself or things might get better on our current jobs.
No matter what happens the point is to work the steps so that at ANY point in your life that you DECIDE to “Just Quit” this or any other job — you can.
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
Monday, December 9, 2019
Marking Your Just Quit Date...
My boss is being an absolute tyrant towards me.
He pinpoints every mistake that I make. And when my only other colleague does the same mistakes he just shrugs it off and makes no big deal out of it.
He is always arrowing at me. He’s an absolutely bad leader who doesn’t know how to manage his subordinates well and his words are cut-throat. This is the last straw for me.
I’ve finally put on the calendar my QUIT DAY.
~Worker Living in SINGAPORE
Are we there yet?
Have we taken Step 8 and marked our calendars with our “Just Quit” date?
It can be as far out as you need for it to be, but it needs to be a commitment.
It’s almost like you are your own boss and you’ve decided that you need to lay yourself off.
If you have gone through all the “Just Quit” Steps then you’ll have at least six months of money saved or have access to enough funds. You’ll be able to eat and pay all your bills for the next six months, just like you were getting unemployment funds.
What’s the difference other than YOU made the decision?
Just imagine that you are SO prepared and SURE of your decision that you are happy and excited as you count down the days on the calendar.
You have a plan for what you will do after you “Just Quit”. You don’t know exactly how your plan will work out, or when it will work out, but you KNOW it WILL work out.
This is NOT a joke, it can be a reality.
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
Sunday, December 8, 2019
There IS Hope And A Way Will Come
I don’t have faith in the leadership at my company.
We are understaffed, people are literally working 70 hours a week. It is taking up to three months to replace open positions. I am not working that much because I don’t want anyone to expect me to do that on a regular basis. I am getting behind because I am not working that much.
I am in a new position and have not had adequate training and everyone is so busy, no one is really available to provide good help and guidance. I am exhausted and stressed out when I am not at work, always thinking about what more I should be doing.
I am having a hard time in the evenings focusing on updating my resume and looking for another job.
I do not have faith in getting any help to make things better. We are all drowning in work and I have no hope that it will get better soon.
I do not want to work in this industry anymore.
~Worker Living in ARIZONA
Sometimes we don’t even have hope.
We just can’t see anything to be hopeful about.
We don’t see a way out. All we can see is a messy situation.
These are lies that our mind keeps repeating over and over again. It is really difficult to break that cycle, but you can break it.
Today, say: “There is hope. A way will come. I will quiet my mind long enough to allow peace in. There is peace available and I need peace of mind to think clearly.”
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
Saturday, December 7, 2019
What Is So Hard About Treating People Like You Want To Be Treated?
My current job has horrible management where there is favoritism and nepotism. They come up with the most ridiculous ways to write someone up.
They constantly cut hours so there aren’t enough people around to do the work well enough, and they schedule people outside of their availability. They won’t even work with some people who have to take care of family members or need to work around school. They tell them that they have to find someone to switch with for those hours, even though those people will just have to go back to them to get it approved.
They also recently threatened the new cashiers saying that if they can’t work Thanksgiving/Black Friday, then they can just walk out the door.
They also don’t wanna hire any more people where people are really needed, i.e. CSM’s. One customer service cashier has been trying to become a CSM for over half a year now, but they’ve since hired three other people. One later got fired, and the other two quit. And one of the ones who quit actually wasn’t even working for as long as she should have before she switched departments from Photo Lab into being a CSM. The policy states that you have to work for six months before you can switch. She had just started working for three months at the store in Photo Lab before they switched her to being a CSM. And it turns out that she was the granddaughter of someone who worked for the store for 25 years.
Another thing is that they want you to work weekends. It is so hard for people who go to church to get off on Sunday (myself included), so we tend to miss church a lot, and yet there are people who get off on Sunday just to stay at home. And then there’s some people who get the entire weekend off!
I could go on, but there’s just too much stuff that has been going on for me to type in this box.
~Worker Living in DELAWARE
Yes, we have workplace laws.
Yes, we have training for management.
Yes, we have employee manuals and guidebooks, and on and on and on.
Throw out the laws, all the training, the manuals and the guidebooks and today, treat your employees and your co-workers like you want them to treat you.
It only seems as though no one is paying attention. It only seems like people are getting away with workplace abuse…not so…remember everything comes to the light and everything and everyone is connected.
What goes around comes around, so today, treat others the way you want to be treated…or the way you want your children or children’s children to one day be treated…think about it…
Friday, December 6, 2019
Paying The Mortgage AND Having A Career With Meaning
I need to quit to keep my sanity. I am so stressed that I can’t focus.
I hate getting up in the morning to go to work, but tell myself “I have to pay the mortgage!”
I used to like what I do but now I don’t care anymore. I don’t like feeling like this. I’m getting close to retirement and I want to find something I’ll enjoy doing again – an “encore career” – that has meaning, but I’m afraid that I’ll slip into poverty over time.
~Worker Living in NEW YORK
How did it happen where the choice is to pay the mortgage vs. a career with meaning? How and when did this happen?
We can do both. We can have a career that has meaning to us AND pay the mortgage. It takes some planning but we can make it happen.
“This” is our job…to find our life’s work… our reason for being here on planet earth…and it is NOT to get a paycheck to pay the mortgage.
If we actively pursue our life’s work – WITHOUT FEAR – the universe will actively work with us to make the connections. Doors will open. Doors WILL open.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
You HAVE To Let Go In Order To Let Come
Quitting will allow me to review my life and bring my focus back to getting together what I’m really passionate about doing which is massaging and educating.
It will allow me to accept whatever will come next and not worry about financial concerns just as long as I stick with the plan.
I don’t want to be sick again, depressed and blindsided.
This job was making me sick mentally, physically and emotionally.
~Worker Living in California
We have to let go of what is not working in order to let come what will work.
It’s as simple as that.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Come Up From The Brink and Do Something About Your Career Today
I simply hate my job. 16 years of my life has been wasted on a mindless job with terrible hours.
~Worker Living in Ohio
Year after year after year we sit in mindless jobs.
Jobs that don’t fulfill us.
Jobs that pay the bills but not much more than that.
Jobs that interfere with living…with our lives.
It doesn’t have to be this way…not year after year after year.
Times are changing.
People are waking up.
You can be a part of this awakening: living authentically, doing work that you love, coming up from the brink, to live with purpose.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Are You Literally Dying In Your Job? It's Time To Wake Up & Live
I am a Contract Manager in a Fortune 50 company making more than $100k/yr. and have been doing this for about 15 years.
My workplace is a mass of chaos and confusion. I’ve given up trying to make a difference because my efforts don’t seem to work out any more, or they take so long to realize that the excitement I felt at the beginning is all but dried up by the end.
Although I absolutely love aspects of what I do – writing and negotiating contract language, crafting strategy and making the business customers happy with a good contract – I am just run dry from the same cycles and discussions over and over, year after year, and how in this company nothing seems to ever get better. It’s just more work, more work, more work, less recognition, less opportunity for development, less money, promotions, and growth.
I am a single parent of a 5-year-old child, trying to juggle a high pressure job, my growing child, a house, navigation of the other parent, feeling overwhelmed and bored at the same time. In short, I feel burnt out and tired. I want to do something new, different, something that matters and that I can see the results of immediately or in a short amount of time. I think about teaching children and what that would look like, not to mention having summers off. I feel like as long as I am in my current job I’ll never find a way to get to a new job.
I’ve left jobs before, big jobs, without having another lined up, and both times I ended up in better positions than I would have if I hadn’t left. But those times were before I had a child, a mortgage, an ex that I don’t always get along with, before I was this close to middle age.
But I am dying in this job. Literally dying. And feeling worse and worse every day, and wondering what I’m teaching my son about life and what work means when he sees me dragging around the house at the end of the day, either depressed, resigned or pissed off. I have lots of reasons to quit, more than I can possibly put here.
So I’ll stop and call this good enough for now.
~Worker Living in California
All of our stories are good enough. No matter how we tell them. No matter how we share them, they are good enough because they help all of us to learn and to grow.
Today, if you know that you are “dying in this job” then count yourself among the lucky ones.
You are aware. You have admitted it. You are awake.
Now take the next step and start planning to move towards what will bring you back to life, so you can make a difference in this world.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Walk Across The Bridge To A Brighter Tomorrow
I quit my job without having another job lined up.
I was asked on multiple occasions to perform task which were illegal and unethical.
This Monday I realized I didn’t need to stay in this organization.
There were intimidation tactics and negativity. I was coached and told that I was too professional, and too positive. I have never heard that in my entire career.
Two of the co-workers were toxic, one was drunk at work, the other one was verbally abusive.
I took power and quit. I have no regrets.
Most people would have said “don’t burn bridges” but what’s to burn if no bridges ever existed.
~Worker Living in IOWA
There is a bridge.
Finally you can see the bridge.
Some people will never see it, they will stay stuck thinking it’s a cliff when all along there was a bridge to a brighter day.
This job is just one point in your life; you can walk across to the next point in your life. “Don’t burn bridges” use them to get you to your future that is waiting to unfold.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Know, Be, Trust, Love Yourself
I have lost “MY” Life.
To all the people out there, if you think you can make a meaning out of your life, make it happen. Do not sit on those silly office chairs and make someone else’s dream happen, make yours a reality…cheers.
~Worker Living in India
We are all here together reading this today. The message is to find ourselves.
Look for your life. Don’t give up on YOUR dreams.
We did not come to a “Just Quit” state of mind by accident, we have been called to find our authentic selves.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Today, Make A List Of The Things That You Like To Do
I need more time with my family. I want to get my house and family life organized.
For the last few years everything has been a crazy whirlwind and I feel like I am spinning out of control.
I need to find a new career that would be more suited to family life and allow me the time to spend with my kids and keep a well- organized home.
~Worker Living in South Dakota
Today, make a list of the things that you like to do.
You may not be doing any of these things now, but you need to make a list of those things. It could be walking, painting, meditating, yard work, fishing, cooking, ect. You need this list because you have to start sprinkling these things into your everyday activities.
Sometimes to get out of a whirlwind we need to slow it down just enough for us to be able to find our way out to a calmer environment. We need space to figure things out.
Sprinkling into your day things you love will allow the universe to move you towards this calm place and space.
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
Friday, November 29, 2019
We Have The Freedom To Choose - Staying Misaligned Or Getting In Alignment
My values do not align with the GM or other top managers in the company.
The willingness to change our corporate culture to become a better company is not even a consideration because they need to keep selling.
Our customers think poorly of our company and nothing is done to address the root cause of those complaints. A discount is given and they stop complaining.
Anxiety is constant even on weekends when I cannot stop thinking about everything. I am already behind on next week.
They are forcing me to fire people in my department and not understanding that we are already understaffed.
~Worker Living in GEORGIA
A big part of “Just Quit” is finding alignment. We have to be in alignment with our highest selves, purposes and goals. It might take some time to find this alignment or it might happen in a flash. It just depends.
At some point we realize that we are out of alignment with where we are supposed to be, what we are supposed to be doing and contributing to the world.
We have the freedom to choose. We can choose staying misaligned or getting in alignment.
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Yes, You CAN Handle Being Honest With Yourself About Your Job Situation
I’m tired of it.
I’m not making enough money to deal with it all any more, not to mention the commute. I’m tired of feeling like I’m wasting my time while I’m there, and then there’s the clueless manager.
I’m tired of the schedule. I’m sick of the leg pain and feeling worn out the next day.
I’m ready to push myself into finding something new. I can find another job, provided that I finally start looking for one. Almost any job I get will pay me more than I’m making now.
I made a big mistake recently and have to deal with the consequences. It made me realize that my job isn’t worth it.
~Worker Living in Illinois
Finally, when we get to the point where we know we need to leave a job it is a liberating moment.
Finally, we can be real with ourselves.
Finally, we can stop faking it and telling others and ourselves how happy we are. We aren’t happy. We are sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Finally…we know this job isn’t worth it anymore and we need to move on.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Is It Really URGENT? Due Now? Why??? Folks Are Just Asking "Leaders" To Focus On What Is IMPORTANT.
The treatment from management and “leadership” isn’t fair and the demands are ridiculous. Especially being a commission paid employee.
~Worker Living in Missouri
Oh how crazy it feels to work in a place where there are “false urgencies”.
Everything is due today. No…it’s due in an hour. Where is that e-mail? Did you get the report done? I need that PowerPoint Deck now!
It’s exasperating when you KNOW that none of it is really important. A month from now, a year from now and definitely five years from now NONE of this will matter. So…because we know this continue to bear the ridiculous demands from management for now.
Take note and VOW that if or when you are in position of power NEVER to create “false urgencies” for your people. Do not EVER forget how you feel under this unnecessary and undue pressure…never forget. Put a smile on your face today as you carry out these ridiculous demands. It will confuse them.
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Out of Ruin...There Is Hope...For A New You...
I am miserable, my social, physical and emotional health is being ruined.
I think my boss has a very negative impression of me.
It is a toxic environment.
~Worker Living in the United Republic of Tanzania
Out of rubble and ruin comes a new you.
It is painful and gut wrenching to go through the hero’s journey, but that is what many of us are experiencing. It’s an awakening. It’s like a rebirth.
Just be thankful because you could be happy and complacent in this “job”.
You could look up and your best years and dreams are behind you…but…you are here.
You feel like you are in ruin… maybe this is true…but out of ruin comes a treasure.
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
Monday, November 25, 2019
A College Degree Is Very Important, If You Don't Have One...But It's No Guarantee for Workplace Fit or Happiness.
I’m not in my field that I have seven years of education and two degrees for.
I haven’t progressed professionally in four years for the lack of understanding what I actually do.
I have been to three therapists for depression dealing with my current lifestyle and this job.
~Worker Living in Arizona
Back to the myth that “schooling” is the key that opens all doors. It’s not and we know that.
We have too many examples of folks who made it big without even finishing high school. Then on the other hand we have folks that have several degrees and have jobs where they aren’t using any of that information, and even if they are, they are still miserable.
Finding our purpose doesn’t begin or end with a degree. Getting an education and a degree is a part of finding our purpose. Even if you don’t have a job title or description that relates to your degree that should not stop you from doing SOMETHING that relates to your purpose.
We will continue to be depressed as long as we are suppressing our passions. We have to find a way to express our uniqueness.
Just do SOMETHING today that gives you joy.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Are You Working With Your Type of People? If Not, It's Time To Find Your Tribe.
A year after a former employer was acquired and a merger is complete, I have realized that these are just not “my people”. They do not do anything that I am proud of.
They do not “make” anything, only manipulate information. The subject matter bores me. My mind goes to a beach on an island or a hiking trail in the mountain within the first 30 seconds of every meeting.
I disagree with leaders in their approach in some aspects of business.
I am now behind the scenes, and client contact is what I always enjoyed, but the types of positions available are not what I was accustomed to in my former life.
I hate my work environment. Everybody works in the dark. It’s a dungeon and they seem to like it.
Sh*t rolls downhill, and it all collects in my department.
Worker Living In Florida
Sometimes all you have to do is find your tribe.
Find the people you want to work with.
If you know that “these are just not my people” then it is a step in the right direction. Knowing that helps you find your tribe…your people…people that will help you fulfill your life’s work and vice versa.
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Self Respect Means Knowing and Doing What Is Best For You
I’m tired of being taken advantage of and disrespected.
I’m tired of working my a** off for minimum wage and pouring my heart into a franchise I can’t change. Along with a penny pinching boss that defines cheap. (Broken furnace gets space heaters).
~Worker Living in CANADA
Today I will show respect. I will start with showing myself respect.
One of the universal truths; no matter who you are, where you were born, your race, your color or any other social factors is that ALL people want respect. They want to be treated with dignity and feel like they count. The only problem is that not everyone knows or understands that universal truth.
You cannot respect others if you don’t respect yourself.
Just for this day respect yourself. Move through your day fully aware of your emotions (feelings) and your needs (physical, social, and emotional). It will start to amaze you as you focus on respecting yourself first and others second; how the universe around you picks up on it and your outlook and situation starts to improve.
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
Friday, November 22, 2019
This Is Your Life, You Can Decide How To Live It.
I’m working for a narcissist. His sarcastic, rude comments are more than I can bear anymore. He repulses me.
I am depressed from having to deal with this individual.
I too have looked for another job without success.
I feel stuck and I want to “Just Quit”.
~Worker Living in Arkansas
When we work for people who we know are mentally ill it can be a challenge. It IS a challenge. We have to second guess our every move and endure needless verbal abuse…for what…a paycheck, health benefits, a job?
We all know that everything changes, because it does. Eventually this situation will change as well. Although it might seem unbearable; it is bearable. It will change.
Until it changes we have to DECIDE what we can do to deal with it, with our boss and with this job. Remember we can DECIDE. We have choices. We have to actively seek them out and we have to start taking actions.
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Grow From Your Situtation
I need to have TIME back – I hate feeling that the job is impossible and I am inadequate!
I’m in education – but the English system is too ridiculous I want to return to Ireland where I’m originally from and I want ME back.
~Worker Living in the UNITED KINGDOM
Who is “me”? Depending on how you look at it you might never get that “me” back again.
Even when you come out of your depression; or get out of this job; the “me” that you were before this is not the “me” that you should be after this.
Know that you are going to grow from this situation.
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Stop Just Going Through The Motions...Why Were You Born?
I don’t like paperwork and my job is very boring.
I can’t find myself and I don’t like spending most of my life doing this or being in this place.
~Worker Living in Switzerland
Finding yourself is the greatest gift that you can give the world.
Discovering the reason that you were born and are in the world is what life is all about.
If you are just going from day to day, going through the motions – STOP. You are here in the universe for a reason…only you can find out why…that’s why you’re here to play your part…find yourself…then give yourself, your gifts and your talents away to the world.
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Are You "Stepping In" To Fill A Role At Work? Maybe It's Time To Step Back.
I was hired as a Product Mgr. (PM) in a start up with a sound value proposition. I have responsibility to enhance it.
Part of my expectation is that I want to focus on PM, and I was told that they were hiring a VP of Eng. Although the title seemed too lofty, it satisfied my condition that there is a design execution counterpart to my role, so I can focus on the role I want to fulfill.
The Eng. Mgr. did not work out. After three months of my happy period where I was delivering good work products (not results yet) for the team, I was thrusted into having to add engineering mgmt. to my role. I have the experience to do it, and I am doing it well. But it was not my intent.
Upon two reviews, my CEO advises that he does not want me to ‘help’ with engineering, be engineering or be PM, but don’t confuse the two. There has been a Programme Manager, who played some Eng. Mgr. role, but it was never clear to me what he did before my (and the eng mgr.) time. He is some sort of stakeholder, so I am unsure if he wants to lay back a bit, or has no interest to handle the engineering role, for which I became absorbed, but I was told I need to clarify my boundaries.
I can do the engineering mgr. role but it is not what I want to do – it was clear in my application process. They made a bad hire, and I stepped in to help. The CEO says I should ‘step in’, just do or not do. I don’t want to do the engineering job, but as a Product Manager, if engineering is weak, there is no product for me to manage and evangelize. So I am stuck.
The engineering challenges are large, with an aggressive agenda. 3+ products, each product having 3 modes of sensing, each sensing mode have to be developed. Each of these dimensions has their challenges. The company has resisted division of labour, and wants to remain in a ‘lab’ engineer environment. Each product x modes x sensing development has multiple deliveries within periods measured by months. All staff are multitasking to an extreme, while that is not appreciated, as there are often calls for people to focus.
Ultimately, many of these decisions are CEO/Founder driven. The company is mining technology, and the hiring process has not had many domain experts except for the CEO himself. I came from a FT50 company, whose domain is not mining, not relevant to be specific here. I am an operations guy with a career in Product Management (marketing) as well.
Where operations require suggestions for changes, I have found out from other senior managers that the CEO trumps decisions. You can’t say no to him, this is true for CTO, Programme Manager, and other senior managers.
I can fight to change the culture, while facing looming deadlines, which will likely face further erosion of my confidence.
There has been resistance for me to directly interface with customers on key projects. While the resistance has relented, the initial reaction is to hold me back. I deal with customers and field projects well. When I do interact with them, it reminds me of the confidence I have in what I do.
After the background – there is founder-itis, and I am now doing more that I wanted to apply for 9 months ago rolling in Eng Mgr. and Prod Mgr. roles, with no increase in pay (they get a 2 for 1 deal), while I watch the senior managers not help even though they must have been doing this before my hiring. At the same time, the forward-looking promises are accelerating all in the name of preserving the runway. The CEO wants to do many things, not focus (“everything is critical”), so there are more hiring’s. More hiring requires more management, for which I have ‘stepped in’ but I am told not to. Someone must do the engineering management, or I do not have products to evangelize.
In the end, I am doing more that I applied for, not recognized for it, told that I shouldn’t do it (secretly, he just wants both done, and accountability, so there are no excuses), the risk of failure is high, and the promises are piling up.