Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Look At The Hand You've Been Dealt. Now Be Creative And Play It Well.

I am bored at my job and I’m not learning anything that pertains to my degree that I am pursuing.

Since I am about to graduate I want to spend my time working on my portfolio and learning things that pertain to my career and find a new job.

~Worker Living in VIRGINIA

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Play Your Hand

Sometimes we can find ourselves in the situation where we are pursuing a degree for a particular profession, but we are currently working in a different profession.

It can be frustrating because we don’t feel like we can apply what we are learning in the classroom to the real world.

So, we have to think creatively because we might not be able to change jobs right away.  We might have to volunteer somewhere, or interview people in the profession we want to work in, or start freelancing in the new profession. We just need to move toward what we want to do…take some real action towards the goal.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Feeling Like A Failure? GREAT. Join the Club. Now S-t-a-r-t Again.

I work over 12 hour days during the work week and still work on the weekends and I am still behind.

Upper Management is now giving me attitude no matter what I tell them about the challenges and what I have done to try and overcome them.

My health is being affected and I am always finding myself sick.

No matter how much harder I try to catch up there is more workload coming at me.

~Worker Living in CALIFORNIA

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live


Today, figure out EXACTLY how much time during the week that you have to focus on YOURSELF and improving YOUR situation.

There are 168 hours in a week. Everybody only gets 168 hours each week, including YOU. 

How many of those hours can you carve out to work on yourself and do what you need to do to “let come” the future that wants to live through you?  Once you have that number…even if it is only one hour a day or a total of seven hours a week… use THOSE hours to change YOUR life.

Even if it takes you a year (7 hours x 52 weeks = 15 full days) make the best use of those hours.  



Sunday, March 29, 2015

You Only Live Once - WRONG. You Live Everday...You'll Only Die Once...

Because I dislike who I have become.  I am drained all the time and this is affecting my home life. I want to be able to spend quality time with my son without falling asleep or not being able to listen to his daily adventures while he is talking because I am trying to wind down from my work day so I can be ready for tomorrow.

I am over worked and under paid as well as unappreciated.

This job is affecting my confidence level in many areas in my life and it just isn’t worth it anymore.

~Worker Living in MICHIGAN

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

live fully

Today, dedicate quality time to do something that you love or be with someone that you love. 

You have to take your  life back. 

You are in control of your time away from work.  (That means you HAVE to control your mind and what you are thinking!)Slowly, you can be there for yourself and for those that you love.

Start today to slowly find yourself again.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Chronic Job Stress Is Like A Cancer...Remove It & Live Out Your Passions

I hate it. I wake up every day mad because I have to work that job.

It’s a cancer in my life and future.

~Worker Living in OHIO

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Seek Your Passion

You can make a change.

You can remove the chronic job stress that is like a cancer in your life. 

If you have identified that your job is like a cancer in your life – you can remove it and heal yourself with work that does not cause you pain.


After more than two years of reading and meditating on the survey entries I believe chronic job stress CJS (that’s what I call this phenomena that is happening across the globe) is like a cancer.  It is slowly killing people from the inside out.  

Thinking of it that way – like a cancer –  I am pondering:

1. what is the treatment for CJS?

2. how do we give CJS sufferers empathy or at least sympathy and understanding?

3. how do we give CJS sufferers support?


I feel like I am coming full circle with this blog post. I don’t know why, but it feels like puzzle pieces are coming together. When I started this blog I had the dandelion theme, let go to let come from Theory U, the tag line (for individuals, organizations and countries) came while I was in a conscious dance class (countries??? it just kept coming back that countries would be impacted by the work I needed to do) and now all the people who are painfully employed feeling like their jobs are a cancer in their lives. Something new is being born…just waiting for this new thing to be born from all of these bits and pieces over the past few years…  


Friday, March 27, 2015

Thank You For Being A Teacher

I have been a teacher for going on 10 years . I never have liked it.

I would love it if I were teaching PE, which was my major, but instead I am teaching Engineering, which I hate! I have a bachelor’s in physical education with minors in biology and health. I started off as a Jr High Science Teacher. Now I’m also teaching three High School engineering classes that I took two week trainings on (not enough).

The evaluation system and paperwork is getting worse. I am not a good teacher. I never have been good at getting up in front of people, especially to teach something I don’t really like. I am 33 years old and I hate teaching.

I like kids for the most part and am a caring person, but I am sick of having “homework”, lesson planning, grading, etc. Believe me, I know teaching has major benefits. That’s why I’ve stayed with it for so long. My unhappiness with my job and stress is affecting my life in a negative way. I just know I would be a better mom, friend, girlfriend, etc. if I didn’t have this job.

~Worker living in INDIANA


Today is appreciate a teacher day.

Do something today to show your appreciation for the teaching profession. 

Even if all we do is for all of us to collectively send positive encouragement through our thoughts and prayers to your teachers, your children’s teachers, your grandchildren’s teachers or the teachers who helped you along the way. 

Appreciate a teacher today.


Thursday, March 26, 2015

Control The Commute - Look At Things Differently

The main reason I need to quit is the traveling time from my home to my work place.

I lose an interest in work by the time I reach the office.

While going back home there is always a traffic jam.

It is giving me stress and affecting my peace of mind.

~Worker Living in INDIA

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

look at things differently

Today, as you are commuting to and from work come up with a game plan to make it the best time of the day for you. 

If you know you have to commute everyday then come up with a plan to make it “your time”. 

The possibilities are endless.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Peace Be Still. Learn To Calm Your Mind.

I don’t know anything about pharmaceuticals and nor do I care to ever know anything about formularies, drug coverage, eligibility, adjudication, group rolls, etc. I don’t enjoy kissing client’s as*es and speaking on things I’m clueless about.

I don’t like feeling like an idiot because I have received no training to effectively do my job. I must learn everything as I go…except everything changes as soon as I learn it…and I don’t give two d*mns about the things I’m learning. NO PASSION.

I HATE the meetings. I HATE the one-on-ones with my boss – bullshi**ing – my procrastination and my work. I hate the impossible work load and the deadlines that leaves you without a viable social life.

Even if I choose to not do work when I get home, it’s that achy and unsettling feeling at the bottom of my stomach and that heartburn taste in my mouth I get when I think about my job…it’s so time for me to “Just Quit”.        

~Worker Living in MISSOURI

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

peace be still

Today, when you are not at work do not think about work.  If at any point today when you are not at work and you find yourself thinking about work;  refocus your mind by saying:

“Peace, be still”

Continue to say this until your mind is calm. Do not allow work to take over your mind, especially when you are not officially working (and getting paid).  


This is NOT difficult to do. Just keep repeating the mantra…”peace be still”…or just “peace” whenever you start thinking about work when not at work.  Once you can control your mind you’re half way there.


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Will It Make The Boat Go Faster?

Work drains me of purpose, energy and enthusiasm. The owner is greedy and I will not be very successful financially if I keep working for him.

Despite results widely considered as exceptional, an incredible work ethic and longevity, the owner is condescending, doesn’t respect time (late for every meeting), doesn’t listen (uh-huh, uh-huh…good, good).

I have no faith that the owner can grow the company to position me for success. In essence, he will inhibit me from helping him grown the company.  He will not commit to basic principles like writing down a vision or establishing core values.

I have very little passion for this industry.

I am tired of working with people who have little personal goals and instead choose to make life about the drama.

~Worker Living in CALIFORNIA

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Make the boat go faster

Today, actively work on discovering your purpose; do what gives you energy and enthusiasm.

Meditate on your purpose for being here on planet earth.


Find a question that works for you and will motivate you to move forward. Above is an interesting story and below is the book:

Monday, March 23, 2015

Bitter or Better. It's Your Choice.

Because I hate what I do.

It’s the most boring thing in the world. I feel like I’ve lost my time and my life.

I have started hating my colleagues (when most of them are objectively pretty nice). 

I don’t want to spend most of my life doing something I dislike and become bitter.

~Worker Living in the UNITED KINGDOM

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

better not bitter

Today, ask yourself if you are bitter about your life.

If you find that you are bitter you need to realize that you can change your life by your decisions.  First decide if you want to be bitter or to make things better.  If you choose bitter, then you choose bitter and that’s your decision…You’re bitter. If you choose better, then that’s your decision…You’re better.

This is your life and you can work on improving it for the better or decide to stay bitter.  It’s just a choice.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

If You Want Peace Of Mind Stop Fighting With Your Thoughts

Because my mental health is worth more than my success.

~Worker Living in AUSTRALIA

peace of mind

Our mental health is with us at all times.  Sometimes we forget about it because it’s ALWAYS talking to us. The constant drone of the voice that is talking to you in your head. 

You can have money.  You can have fame.  You can have success, but unless you have these things along with Peace of Mind then you will not be at peace.

Don’t let anything disturb or interrupt your peace of mind.

Today, watch your thoughts and check and see if they are healthy.  Take an inventory of your thoughts and see where you are mentally.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Leaving On Top. Move On. Write The Next Chapter.

I want to leave on top.

There is no future for me there.

~Worker Living in CONNECTICUT

life is a story

Sometimes we get to the point where we just know that it’s all downhill from here.  We can’t see ourselves working where we are working another 5 or 10 years.  We can’t see a future there. 

That’s perfect.

We made some contributions.  We have a good track record.

It’s just time to go.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Let Go Of Hatred. Have Compassion. Grow.

The bosses disrespected me. They hire new guys who are less experienced than me and pay them more. They fire a lot of the blacks and hire the Spanish people, which are all related to each other by marriage or family.

My hours have increased, but the pay has not, and they told us to come into work an hour late to avoid paying us the extra hour. When I did get a raise they only paid me .50 cents and 1 dollar on my hourly rate.

Everyday a customer insults me because I ask them questions I have to ask for my job. The pay for my job leaves me with little to no money after I pay my bills. I had to move back into my parent’s house just to afford to live.

I no longer respect many of my coworkers and none of the people in charge.

I’ve had nervous twitches and constipation. I never sleep through the night and I cannot even meet new women.

I’ve also have thoughts of murder or retribution.

~Worker Living in NEW YORK

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live


In order for us to move forward and let come a better situation for ourselves, we have to want that for everyone else as well, even those we feel are mistreating us or abusing their positions. Until we can let go of the anger and bitterness of our situation it will continue to keep us stuck.

Any thoughts of hate or retribution that you have towards your co-workers or bosses become aware of it,  and ask for help to have compassion on those who have harmed you. 

If you can find compassion for them it will release you and allow you to move forward in your quest for a better future for yourself, your career and your family. 

It will help you to grow.

P.S. Want to learn to be compassionate?  Great book to read:

Thursday, March 19, 2015

You Can Still Be A Hamster If You Want...Just GET OFF the Wheel

I dread getting up every day, I can barely put one foot in front of the other to take me into the office.

I want a change but can’t do that while I’m stuck on this hamster wheel.  

~Worker Living in the UNITED KINGDOM

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

hamster wheel

Continue to put one foot in front of the other.

Continue to press on. 

This will end. 

You will make your way through this dark tunnel of change. 

You will make it out to the other side to a better way to make a living. 

You will get off of this hamster wheel by putting one foot in front of the other.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Rain Will End. The Rain Always Ends. Hold On.

I feel like I can’t take the stress anymore. My body isn’t working as well as it used to and I constantly have soreness that won’t go away no matter what I do.

I have been at my current position a long time and I can barely tolerate the people I work with and especially our customers.

I just feel like I am going to snap one day soon.  

I have been working since I was sixteen but I just can’t stand this industry anymore.

~Worker Living in TEXAS

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

things will get better

Today, focus on working your “Just Quit” plan so one day you don’t snap and make a poor decision. 

Everything will be okay. 

You have come too far in your career. Things will work out.  You just need to hold on while you work the Steps and prepare yourself to “Just Quit”.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Just Live. Just. Live.

I worry so much about my job that I can’t sleep. I feel so worried and stressed I’ve lost my appetite and I can’t even sleep because my hands and body feel like they are burning. They were so bad I went to the doctor and had my blood tested for many reasons, and everything came back negative. They told me it was from stress.

My body burns so much that I cry at night.

When I got my job there was little training and my boss had a heart attack, so I ended up on the spot with all these orders and little experience, but I pulled through. Yet after pulling through and being proud of myself my boss comes back from recovery and only pinpoints what I did wrong.

With little training I felt so depressed and upset. I must add that the job I entered is a family business and they are making it extremely hard to make me feel like part of the family.

I am so stressed and depressed it has also made me feel like dying because there is no way out of it. I have highly considered quitting but money seems to get to me.

~Worker Living in CANADA

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

just live

There is no way around it – stress and depression is painful. 

Our body will tell us if we are under too much stress.  Our mind will tell us if we are in a depressed condition.

Listen to your body and your mind.

Action: If today we are so stressed and depressed that we are having suicidal thoughts seek help.


If things are serious and you need help below are U.S. and Int’l Crisis Hotlines:

Living in the U.S.


(Remember…the world needs you to make it through this…so you can tell your story of courage, endurance and transformation from this experience.   You will make…if you are in a deep depression and need help…talk to someone today).

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Are You Really Living Life...Or Just Paying Bills Until You Die?

I wake up every morning dreading work. I have only been in my job for three months, but these three months have been the longest, most painful months in my life.

I only took this job because I needed a paycheck.

At this moment in time I would happily take an office job of sitting behind a desk rather than doing the job that I do now.

~Worker Living in the UNITED KINGDOM

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

more than a paycheck

We are all in the same boat: we are trying to find a way to live.  We need to eat, we need a roof over our heads, we need to pay our bills, and we want to be entertained from time to time. We typically get most of those things with a job and a paycheck.

Most of us are chasing a paycheck, but what happens when chasing that paycheck disturbs your peace of mind? You will find yourself in emotional pain and distress.

Action: Find a way to print out your last paycheck. Take a look at that paycheck.  Take a good long hard look at your paycheck.

Now, ask yourself if it is worth what you went through to get that paycheck and just how much longer you can go through this FOR A PAYCHECK.

Print it out. Look at the date. Look at your name.  Look at the amount.  Look at it and ponder what it all means….that paycheck.    

Feeling Stuck In The Corporate Maze? Work The Plan, Move Towards The Exit.

I hate my job and the corporate bulls**t.  

~Worker Living in MASSACHUSETTS

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

exit the maze

If you are entangled in the maze and grip of a corporation please try to stop and FIRST be grateful.  Just be grateful that through this corporation you have a job. You have a salary. You have a place to go every day. 

Yes, you are miserable.  Yes, you hate your job.  Yes, you’re sick of the “corporate bulls**t”, BUT you HAVE to find BALANCE in order to move forward. That means finding the “good” and the “bad” in this situation.

You know you will get out of this maze (eventually).  You know the Steps that you need to take to find your way out.  You just need to work those Steps and the exit to the maze will come.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

If You Don't Do YOUR Life's Work, Then Who Will Do It???

I’m thinking about quitting my job without having another one lined up because I want to live in my passion full time.

I want to have more time to focus on my consulting business. I want to devote more time to learning my field, really honing my evaluation skills.  I want to become an expert in the field of program evaluation for organizations and community groups that have programs and services targeting women and girls of color.

I want to be location independent and have the freedom to choose which projects I take on and which clients I work with.

I want to do work that matters and makes me feel that I’m really making a difference.

~Worker Living in NEW YORK

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

living lifes work

Once you have a very clear idea of exactly what you want to do after you “Just Quit” then this should give you the courage to keep moving forward. You already know what you want to let go of…your current job…you made that decision in Step 1.

If you have done the hard work of figuring out your passion (Step 4), first congratulations and second allow this to propel you to the future that is waiting for you.

It’s time to work the rest of the Steps, and be able to set your date of departure so you can set sail to your next destination.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Are You Doing Work That Is Good For You & The Greater Good?

My company is not delivering the compensation promised even after talks and showing them legal regulations that they were breaking.

My client has the mentality of “Persist and Persevere” and has no desire to perform quality work.

My clients’ client does not know what they are managing or what they want. The tasks switch daily and they refuse to listen or understand the product they are asking to be delivered yet continually complain about the result.

I have not had a successful project since starting and have rebuilt projects multiple times to meet the client’s needs that they themselves then declare are useless.

I don’t like my current industry and want to work on a project for the greater good of society.

~Worker Living in the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

greater good

Until you are doing something that you love you will not be working for your own good or the greater good of society. 

You owe it to yourself and to the world to use your unique creativity and to pursue your passion. Period. Full Stop. 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Today. Pretend. To. Be. Happy. Just Pretend. See What It Would Feel Like.

I believe my job is making me sick and depressed.

The atmosphere is depressing in itself.

Many of the people I work with, especially those in positions over me, are extremely petty and (in my opinion) extremely unprofessional. Several of my colleagues have really horrible attitudes (which appear to be contagious). No one is happy.

I have been sick – using up more than my paid number of sick days even though I am no longer paid for them.

There is no promotion from within. It’s a dead end job. And the pay is less than I was earning 15 years ago.

~Worker Living in ILLINOIS

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

be so happy

Everybody just wants to be happy.  

We deserve to be happy. Even if it is for a fleeting moment we want to be happy for that moment.

Just ask for a state of mind that can endure what you are facing on your job. Just ask for help to figure out how to be the one person who is happy there, and maybe it will be contagious and others will be happy as well.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Taking Care Of Yourself Is A Priority When Miserable In Your Job

I don’t have any time for myself. 

I’m at work 13 days straight and have one day off. I don’t have any time to work out or to go to school at all.

~Worker Living in OHIO

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

time for yourself

Today, make time for yourself. Find a way to do something towards your mental, emotional or physical health.

Do not “think” about doing it. DO IT.

Today, just do one thing for yourself that will bring you joy.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Forget The Performance Review Drama, Just Be Excellent

I am not doing quality work and I am not challenged.

Career growth is not an option here and my past performance reviews will prevent me from being seen as the qualified employee that I know I am.

~Worker Living in CALIFORNIA

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

be excellent

How many organizations out there have comprehensive performance review systems?   Don’t we all do the same things every year?  We look at the previous year’s performance review, look over our calendars or try to remember some of our accomplishments to make this year’s pre-eval sound like we actually accomplished something. 

Even if there isn’t the opportunity for employees to do a pre-eval; the boss is just looking at your previous review and trying to remember what you did especially good or horribly bad over the year.

Most employees know that performance reviews are subjective and a lot depends on if your boss likes you. It’s not like that everywhere of course, but many places. 

Action: Assess your own performance where you work.  Are you wasting your time? Are you growing? Are you learning? Are you contributing? And the final question is: Do you know the vision of the place you work?  Not the mission statement, but where it wants to go? If you don’t know the vision how can you be sure you want to continue to perform and go where this place will take you in the future?

Monday, March 9, 2015

You Have Feet In Your Shoes...You Can Move On...

My job is detrimental to my health.

I cry every Sunday night and my feet hate to carry me through the front door of my work.

I can’t do it anymore.

~Worker Living in TEXAS

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

places you will go

It is true; our jobs can be detrimental to both our mental and physical health.  We know this, we have experienced this, and we might be experiencing it today.  It is equally true that if we have feet (first be grateful for that); then let your feet do the talking.

Your feet do not have to CONTINUE to carry you through the doors of a job that you hate and is making you miserable.  Your feet can start walking down another path. A path to meaningful work.

Today, just be grateful that you have feet that can go on any path that YOU choose.  You don’t have to stay stuck walking day after day-after-day into that job…you don’t!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Once You Stop Learning, You Start Dying ~Albert Einstein

I feel stuck with no more growth prospects, nothing new to learn and incompetent colleagues that I cannot learn anything new from.

~Worker Living in LEBANON

keep learning

Part of being a responsible adult is to continuously learn.

We should never stop learning.  Sometimes we have to make learning opportunities for ourselves.  If we have learned everything there is to learn at this job and around these people, then we need to figure out a way to get beyond this job and these people.

We need to take control of our mind and our time. Most of us have smart phones or some form of electronic device where we can find information or go on line and take free online classes from some of the top universities.  Don’t let this job, or the people you work with limit your potential.

Take action today and learn something you want to learn.


Below are links to “free” quality education and information.  Use the internet to learn…EVEN if you can’t afford college, don’t have time, etc. etc…no more excuses…

Coursera – Free Online Courses From Top Universities

EdX – Free Online Courses From The World’s Best Universities

Khan Academy – A Place For You To Learn Anything (use this site for yourself, your children and grandchildren)



Saturday, March 7, 2015

Commitment Is What Transforms Promise Into Reality ~Abraham Lincoln

I have set “exit dates” every few months for the past two years.

I have explored all departments of my company that interest me, and I do not want the job of anybody in the building. I do not want my boss’s job.

When I am not in the office, I am happier and more focused. My mental juice is exhausted by the end of the day which makes working on my own endeavors difficult. 

~Worker Location is UNKNOWN or Worldwide

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live


You have to be committed to yourself and your own deadlines. 

If you are at the point where you have already made the decision to “Just Quit” and you have done all the Steps then you will be prepared when the date arrives.

If however you have not saved enough money or found your purpose then you are not ready. 

It’s as simple as that.  

Friday, March 6, 2015

Start Where You Are, Use What You Have, Do What You Can

The banking profession is not for me.

I am trying to change my career field, but feel as if all of my hours spent working are leaving little to no time to invest in building the skills I need to make the preparations to go into a different field.

~Worker Living in VIRGINIA

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

start where you are

Today, if you KNOW the career field that you want to move towards commit yourself to building the skills you need, making the contacts, getting the certification, taking the class, etc.

Work out a plan and a schedule to make it happen. 

DO NOT “try” to do this; DO IT.  Invest in your future and know that you can make this career change that you think will make you happy.


Thursday, March 5, 2015

Be Good To Yourself...Give Yourself The Best

I don’t want to give the best of myself needlessly.

~Worker Living in CALIFORNIA

be good to yourself

As you move through your day today  – give the best of yourself to YOURSELF.

This job may not be your ideal job but there is some reason you are here… STILL here.  

You don’t want to be here, but you are…so if today you don’t give the best of yourself atleast to yourself…when will you be able to do that?

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wisdom Is Knowing The Right Path To Take...Integrity Is Taking It

It’s a telemarketing job. I really just started, but I feel like a horrible person by bugging people all day. It’s making me feel like the most annoying person ever even though I’m technically a robot.

I have ringing in my ears from having headphones on constantly and I’m not even doing what my boss says really. When someone tells me to take them off the list of people we call, I tell them “no problem!” and do so immediately. They always seem much friendlier that way. I mean the customer is always right I thought, but technically we aren’t supposed to do that.

Another reason I want to quit is because the company records all the calls for ‘training’ purposes, yet they don’t actually have that little robotic audio come on before my calls are connected to let the 2nd party know they are being recorded. I only know, and in the state of Pennsylvania, it’s illegal to record phone conversations unless BOTH parties give consent.

Another probably minute reason I want to quit is, because I had one call where the guy wasn’t even alive. I felt awful. Also, I don’t technically “need” the job. I live with my parents, so I don’t have to worry about bills. I plan on going to college in 9 months though, so it’s going to be a while. I would rather just not go back and find another job. 

~Worker Living in PENNSYLVANIA


Today, look at yourself in the mirror. Just stare at yourself.  Look in your eyes. Now ask yourself: “Does my job require me to do things that I don’t feel are right?”

Be Honest.

Just. Be. Honest.

Now, if indeed it does require you to do things that you don’t feel are right or is making you someone that you don’t recognize; ask yourself  how long you can continue to do this.

Remember you can DECIDE.

You are the decision maker for your life and life is just a series of decisions.

Make A Decision.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Once You Choose Hope Anything Is Possible - Christopher Reeve

Management is treating me with no dignity. For their amusement, they made me clean all four bathrooms and when I was cleaning them, I realized how degrading my job is.  At that moment I planned to quit.

~Worker living in CANADA

Hope is a good thing

You cannot “Just Quit” your job unless you go through Step 1

Sometimes it seems like a very long process to get to Step 1, but in all honesty it happens in a flash.  There is that one moment when you realize that you can DECIDE to “Just Quit”. 

In one moment you realize that this is your life and if you don’t take control of it then who will? In one moment you can feel the power of ‘knowing’ what you need to do. 

If that moment hasn’t come for you, don’t rush it, wait patiently to see if and when it shows up.  Just wait.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Are You Stuck In A Dying Industry? Reinvent Yourself.

I have been stuck in an industry that has really gone down the drain in the last few years. I just left my last job for a new one in the same industry, and it’s even worse than the last one and the one before it. Even in higher-up positions in this industry, you still do a lot of really menial, pointless tasks, and there is no joy or fulfillment.

Me and my boss’s management styles are completely opposite, and I am tired of working for someone else and being under someone else’s boot. I know that I won’t be able to make a difference since what I am allowed to do is very limited by my boss’s very narrow vision.

This is also not my passion anymore, and I need to be passionate about my work to enjoy that part of my life. I can’t look for another job right now since I am constantly exhausted from my long commute and pointless days in the office.

I really don’t believe that I will end up in a better situation if I look for another job right now considering the state that I am in.

I need to quit and try out a few ideas for a new career that I have in mind for myself, and that takes time that I don’t currently have. 

~Worker Living in MASSACHUSSETS

thomas edison

Today, take a look at the industry that you are in.  Is it growing or is it dying?  What has changed and what will probably be changing in the next 5-10 years in this industry?

If you don’t know the answers right off  then research the industry.   Be honest with yourself (even if it is a thriving industry) and ask if you want to continue in this industry.

Do you care about the industry? 

Note:  If you have to research the industry you probably don’t care about it very much.  If you cared you’d already be well steeped in what is going on.  Just be honest with yourself about this one particular industry.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Act. Show. Prove.

I am very unhappy and have no prospect for progression. 

Quitting gives me a definitive timeline of when I need a new job by; which is three months.

~Worker Living in the UNITED KINGDOM

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

act show prove

If you have done all the Steps including setting your “Just Quit” date when that day comes — no matter if you have another  job or not — you will be ready and excited for the adventure of a lifetime.

Don’t set the date if you are not ready.

Go back to the Steps and do the Steps. 

When you set the date then, it’s the date. 

It’s like going skydiving, when it’s time to jump out of the plane you are fully prepared to do so.  You have been trained, you are suited-up, and have been coached along the way.  By the time you’re at the door of the plane there is no turning back.  You don’t WANT to turn back you want the experience.  That is what setting the date is like…knowing on that particular day…when that date on the calendar comes you are OUT OF THE DOOR, no matter what…